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SECO案例分享 | 为Epredia公司提供解决方案,提高癌症诊断精确度


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强强联合 | SECO与Intel共同合作,不断引领科技的发展与进步!

作为嵌入式计算行业的领导者,SECO推出了基于COM-HPC标准的全新解决方案。SECO CHPC-C77-CSA模块在第十一代英特尔®酷睿™处理器的支持下,将利用可扩展性以及计算和图形性能的提升,加快嵌入式用例中人工智能/深度学习工作负载的处理速度。


SECO北美地区销售副总裁Michael Duhamel指出:“该平台将迅捷、高性能英特尔锐炬®Xe显卡和人工智能加速以及实时计算硬件支持相结合,很适合同时需要具备视觉、语音和文本识别能力与处理能力的关键应用。”

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In-Silico generation of random bit streams

From the quantum nature of silicon to bits, from these to random numbers and then to the generation of cryptographic keys, the course of events is traced to generate an inviolable quantum shield and supply the most revolutionary technologies for cyber security. Here's Random Power's project for the development of a platform of advanced cybersecurity systems.

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Why are we still talking about Open Innovation? Isn't it a given?

Since 2003, the Open Innovation approach has been widely disseminated and analysed in the scientific and professional world of management, but its application is by no means a given. It requires partnerships that are not obvious and that offer unconventional and sometimes unthinkable knowledge, ideas, skills and information.

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The intriguing relationship between the pandemic and Open Innovation

The pandemic has produced enormous digital acceleration. Gartner estimates that the results usually achieved in 5 years were achieved in 2020 alone. New digital habits such as eCommerce, software as-a-service, online education, smart working and telemedicine continue to increase, albeit at different speeds. Also consider the cutting-edge methods used to quickly identify the vaccine and new drugs for Covid-19. The experience has led to a search for better technologies, a trend that offers attractive opportunities for companies capable of providing them.

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The physical and virtual places of innovation

There’s been a lot of talk about innovation in recent years: when you work on it, it’s your everyday life and everything is clear enough, but there’s always someone who manages to astound you. "Do you know about Startup Studios?"  “Not yet”, I often reply: I know new things come out all the time. It’s a sphere that, by definition, needs to be dynamic and evolve continuously, but at times it’s very ephemeral and you have to investigate so that you gain an understanding.

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Provoking innovation and experimentation

Many think that promoting "real" innovation is a very satisfying, "cool" job. My friends are astounded when I tell them how long it takes to build a partnership - from six months to a year - and the number of calls needed to get a project started (on average about twenty). They have no idea how many emotional ups and downs you have to manage, both yours and the person’s you’re dealing with.

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